Hi there every one, sorry I have been absent from the challenges and my blog for a couple of weeks, I have been sooooooooo busy not had a minute to myself, who said my time would come when the children left home, my youngest moved out a couple of months ago and my "new spare room" has been inundated with visitors ever since. I wonder if my son would like to move back as he was a lot easier to deal with! ha ha.
Any way hopefully I am back now and will make a start when I get in from work with doing some of the many challenges there are out there.
Meanwhile some really nice news is that I became a Great Auntie (Granty & Gruncle) yesterday! My niece gave birth to a whoooping 11LB6.5oz baby boy!
Well done Victoria and a big welcome to Theo if you are looking in.
Thought I would share the card I have just popped in the post to her.
Will see you all later with some more cards to share.